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Tantrum Movies

Writer: J.J. RichardsonJ.J. Richardson

Updated: Jan 9

social just warrior, preaching, anger, bitterness

Recall the story, The Three Little Pigs, published by James Halliwell-Phillips in 1890, about three little pigs menaced by a heavy-breathing wolf. The story’s lesson is how dedication and hard work pay off.

Notice that the words dedication and hard work are not found in the story. This is because the tale lets the readers get the message on their own. This is true for most stories written worldwide since the beginning of time.

In the novel The Old Man and the Sea (Hemingway), none of the story’s themes are mentioned in the story. For example, none of the following words are in the novel:

  • Humility

  • Heroism

  • Loneliness

  • Bear hardship without complaint

  • Providence does not define a man

  • A man goes down swinging, no matter his age

  • Persevere regardless of the tribulations which befall

Why is this? It’s because readers want to perceive the tale’s themes on their own.

A story’s message is like a server working in a fine restaurant. He stays close to the diners but just out of view. In terms of movies, what keeps viewers watching is their desire to discover the story and learn what is really going on.

Therefore, it’s a tragedy when a story’s theme becomes the story itself and overwhelms the plot like a pack of wolves brooding over their day’s catch. This is a no-no in the fiction industry because viewers and readers want to participate in discovery. Skillful storytellers don’t let the audience catch on with the theme or moral until about two-thirds through the tale.

In the movie, Rebecca (1940), the chief antagonist of the story, isn’t introduced until a third into the movie. The protagonist (Mrs. de Winter) doesn’t fully realize what she’s gotten herself into until much later than that.

When the movie's message is thrown at the viewer’s face up front,

the discovery experience is spoiled. What purpose does the viewer

have left to keep watching?

I was entertained by the movie Bright (2017) because of its creativity. But I would have liked it more if the overt anti-racism message had become apparent gradually throughout the story instead of being handed out at the movie’s onset. This is not because anti-racism isn’t a noble message but because, from a storytelling standpoint, it’s more profoundly impactful and memorable if it’s left to the viewers to figure out.

Unpleasant experience

Nearly all stories are about something, which is okay. But when you’re eating a batch of french fries that is more salt than potato, the experience becomes unpalatable.

In extreme cases, bitter and emotionally dominant lecture-rich movies are unpleasant to watch. This isn’t because their themes aren’t important, but because watching movies is supposed to be voluntary. Even if the film’s message is poignant, the audience should want to stay seated in the theater.

I have given a name to movies in which the moviemakers forgot that they were paid to tell a story. Instead, they devoted most of the screen time to the "message" and left the remaining bits to be fought over by plot, scene, and character development. I call these kinds of movies Tantrum movies.

I hope this new genre name catches on. This way, viewers can know ahead of time that they’re about to experience a story found somewhere within a heavy, two-hour, bitter, angry lecture.

Leave them wanting more

Years ago, I played in several bands and orchestras. One of the considerations the music leaders kept in mind when selecting musical numbers was:

Leave the audience wanting more.

The idea was to complete the last musical number before the audience had had enough. This way, they would already be anticipating the next show on the drive home.

Imagine lecturing your teenager and having him walk away thinking, “When do I get the next one?”

Generally, it would do you well in life to express your points without making your listeners want to run away screaming. If you can keep your fans listening to you, you’re on your way to becoming a master entertainer.

Good examples of how to do it

Some movies with dominant social issue themes keep their messages measured enough to make the viewing experience enjoyable. Here are a few of them. There are many more, but these are the ones I can think of:

  • Planet of the Apes (1968) -- Anti-war/racism

  • Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory (1971) -- Greed

  • Logan’s Run (1976) -- Old age

  • Trading Places (1983) -- Greed

  • Good Will Hunting (1997) -- Intelligence vs. emotional wisdom and friendship

  • Matchstick Men (1983) -- Greed/theft/fatherhood

  • Minority Report (2002) -- Government over-surveillance

  • The Chronicles of Narnia: The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe (2005) – Redemption

  • Up (2009) -- Old age

  • Bright (2017) -- Racism

  • Broken Memories (2017) -- Alzheimer’s/dementia

Single social-issue movies that aren’t quite too bitter

To be as uplifting as possible, here are some would-be Tantrum movies that don’t quite make the heinous threshold of being truly bitter because they provide some entertainment.

  • To Kill a Mockingbird (1962) -- Racism

  • The Truman Show (1998) – Governmental control, voyeurism, anti-God

  • Fight Club (1999) -- Consumerism

  • Idiocracy (2006) -- Stupidity

  • Eden Log (2007) -- Anti-corporation, haves vs. have-nots

  • WALL-E (2008) -- Anti-pollution, anti-consumerism

  • Snowpiercer (2013) -- Anti-capitalism

Snowpiercer isn't in the Tantrum movie category because there's strong evidence that Snowpiercer is a masterful sequel to Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory. You don't believe me? Watch this video.

Tantrum movies

Let’s get to the nitty-gritty. I’ve listed below some Tantrum movies that seem to have the primary goal of making their viewers feel like total creeps. These movies are just unpleasant to watch, like witnessing a poor mother in a grocery store standing next to her child who’s on the floor pounding his fists and screaming about something.

  • The China Syndrome (1979) -- Anti-nuclear power

  • Apocalypse Now (1979) -- Anti-war

  • Casualties of War (1989) -- Anti-war

  • The Da Vinci Code (2003) -- Anti-religion

  • Flightplan (2005) -- Racism

  • V for Vendetta (2005) -- Anti-government

  • Flawless (2007) -- Anti-greed, sexism

  • The Happening (2008) -- Pollution

  • Eagle Eye (2008) -- Government over-surveillance

  • Avatar (2009) -- Racism/anti-human

  • In Time (2011) -- Rich vs. poor

  • Cloud Atlas (2012) -- About every social issue there is

  • Upside Down (2012) -- Rich vs. poor

  • Now You See Me (2013) -- Greed, anti-banking system

  • Elysium (2013) -- Rich vs. poor

  • Winchester (2018) -- Anti-gun

  • Play Dead (2022) -- Anti-rich, anti-husband/father, anti-insurance system, anti-police, sympathy for the criminal

  • The Rig (2025, TV series) -- Environmentalism

Winchester is especially egregious because every character in the movie tries as often as he or she can throughout the story to tell the audience how awful, senseless, pointless, and evil guns are.

"Okay," I tell the movie screen, "I get it. You hate guns.

Now, can we please get back to the story?"

Hollywood also likes to make anti-gun (or anti-military) movies where the chief villain, in the end, is defeated by a gun. (Examples: Winchester (2018) and Kong: Skull Island (2017)) Really, Hollywood? If you hate guns, why make movies where a gun saves the day in the end?

The Rig is difficult to watch because, in every episode of the two-season series, the writers pack as much anti-capitalist/pro-environment dialogue as they can into virtually every conversation. The capitalist villains are 2-dimensional, mean, self-centered, and abusive people who think nothing of the loss of human life as long as the "numbers" (oil production) look suitable for the company. The other characters (the victims of the abuse) are fully developed, intelligent, likable, and innocent human beings. The problem with non-stop, repetitive, bitter lashings against greedy oil companies is that the audience gets it after the first 20 minutes of the first episode. What is further gained by making the audience endure continued, angry, verbal lashings over the next eleven episodes? The writers must not believe the viewing audience is sufficiently intelligent to understand the point of the series.

The movie Flawless continually preaches against sexism and how evil corporations take what isn't theirs. Then, at the end of the movie, the story praises the protagonist as saintly after she steals the company's diamonds and gives them to people around the world who she feels deserve them instead of to those the company took advantage of to get those diamonds.

In other words, Flawless praises the protagonist for being generous with other people's money. What she should have done was return the diamonds to the people who the evil corporation wronged. What a creep.

The takeaway

There are important and difficult issues that should be discussed. I’m happy to do all I can to help alleviate all forms of injustice from the world throughout my life, but not during what's supposed to be an enjoyable experience unless they're presented tastefully and entertainingly.

Given that nearly every successful story provides a message for society, go ahead and include one or more in your stories. But let them be like elegant spices dancing lightly on the tongue. Your readers will understand what you’re getting at. Have enough confidence in them and in yourself to let them absorb your message at their own pace.

I do have one remaining question

Recall the story of Little Red Riding Hood. Incredibly, that tale is a thousand years old and is one of the most well-known stories in Western literature. I want to know the point of the story. Perhaps the theme in that story should have been given a bigger push.


Aug 28, 2021

Mr. Richardson,

I agree with your suggestion that there be a new genre name for the type of movies you describe. I think "tantrum movie" fits. I've recognized this type of movie genre, but I've called them "preaching movies". They are heavy handed as you say, and rather than let the story communicate the message this type of movie relies on...well, you've already explained it, better than I could. But now that I think about it more, I kind of like the other word you use, "lecture movie", rather than "tantrum" or "preaching".

I've not seen all of the movies in your lists, but i mostly agree where you've placed the ones I have seen. One of the movies yo…

J.J. Richardson
J.J. Richardson
Aug 29, 2021
Replying to

You're right. They should probably be called "lecture" or "preaching" movies instead of "tantrum movies." But that would be treating them fairly. Since they don't treat me fairly, I don't want to treat them fairly. They're bitter to me, so I want to be bitter back. :) This isn't how I treat people. It's how I treat an entire industry that--in my opinion--ought to know better.

And you're right about "The Truman Show." Darn it, I hadn't noticed that. I liked that movie. It's not a "Free Willy" movie. It's an anti-God movie, showing how unfair and heartless God is at keeping us unnecessarily constrained.


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